So, you are having some problem with your Linksys router, or may be you can’t remember your password. Well, then the best possible way to come out of it is resetting this password. The question is how to do it? Well, there is no need to call the customer care service; read the following article to understand how to get rid of it.
Well, if you are in a fix with your Linksys wireless router, then the best solution to this problem would, of course, be to reset it to the factory settings. The process is quite simple; all you need to do is to get its setup done all over again. The following paragraphs will provide you with the details of resetting one properly.
Restoring to Factory Settings
You need not go through a lot of manuals, or connect and disconnect a large number of components for this. First of all, you need to switch off your modem. Now, press the reset button in your router and hold it for approximately 30 seconds. This should do the job; it will simply revert to the factory settings. After this, the next step is to set up this router, once again.
How to Reset the Password?
For this, you need to first access the router’s settings page. The steps are similar to those that you had followed, when you had set it up for the first time. The procedure is as under:
- To access its settings page, you first need to connect the computer to one of its Ethernet ports, using the cable that comes along with it.
- Next, you need to go to one of the web browsers, and type in the IP address of your router on its address bar. Typically, for most of these routers, the IP address is However, for the WRP400 ones, the IP address would be
- Now, you will be prompted to enter username and password. Default username is set to a blank field, while the password is admin. In some newer models, they are set to admin by default.
- The next step is to reset the password. Once you are done with the process of login, on the next screen, you will find the managementtab. Here, you can go along with the process of changing its password.
- Once you are done with setting it up, you need to enable the WEP or WAP key.
You also need to keep certain things in mind while resetting it. If the normal reset does not work, i.e., while pressing the reset button for 30 seconds, then at that time, unplug and plug back its power cable. If you cannot access the router’s web-based setup page, even after typing the aforementioned IP address, then you need to follow a few simple steps to do so. Simply check if the router is connected to a computer, and then go to the command prompt.
For this, click on Run from the Start menu, type cmd, and hit the Enter key. Now, type ipconfig/all in the command prompt. Once you press the Enter key, along with the other information, your computer’s default gateway will also be displayed. This is your respective IP address.
Thus, it is possible to change the router’s default IP address using the setup CD that comes along with it, and these steps will help you to serve the purpose.