If you are in a hurry to be a parent, then why not create a virtual baby? The Internet provides you with n-number of activities that you can do in the bits-and-bytes world, and one of these is to make a virtual baby online and nurture it.
Why there is so much enthusiasm to make a virtual baby? Well, everyone likes to take a break and now and then, escape from the crude and rudimentary things in the world of reality. A real world binds you to routine and the things that happen in here are subject to the progression of time. What if a 4-year kid wants to care for a baby? Is it possible in the real world? Of course not, but, he or she can do so in the virtual world with the help of few clicks of the mouse and few keystrokes on the keyboard. It is fun to adopt or create a virtual baby on a website and look after its needs.
Creating a Virtual Baby
There are some websites on the Internet which allow you to indulge in this activity. Now, this doesn’t mean that you have to know programming languages and write a program to generate a virtual baby. These websites take care of the programming and storing of data that goes into making this possible. These websites also provide facilities, a dedicated virtual parent would need while taking care of his or her baby. The fun starts after deciding to enter the field of virtual parenting. In the real world you cannot decide what kind of baby you will have.
However, things are totally under your control in the virtual world. You have the freedom to make your own virtual baby the way you want. Along with gender of your virtual baby, here you can choose other characteristics such as color of hair, eyes and facial expressions. Some of these websites allow you to select your baby’s features from a digital photograph. The photograph can be or your boyfriend, girlfriend or your own, On the other hand, some websites provide facilities to realize non animated virtual babies.
Whatever may be the case, you cannot build a virtual baby without signing up with the website. To become a member of one of these websites log on and create your account. Do not forget to supply your email address while submitting your information. Not all of these websites are free and some of these, charge you a nominal fee to become a parent. If you have any problems with this arrangement then you can search for websites that are free.
Both of these options have their advantages and disadvantages. The pay sites, since they are charging you, take care of your data and your virtual baby and protect them from coming to any harm from the malicious elements on the Internet. Being with these is more secure than that with the free websites which, if the need arises can terminate your membership and prevent you from visiting your baby. Additionally, you have the option of being a member of a website that allows you to take care of your virtual baby on-line or off-line.
In the latter case, the website allows you to make a virtual baby and download it on your PC and some other devices. This arrangement enables you to visit and look after it, anytime you can find time to do so or want to. The following are some resources where you can create or adopt a virtual baby. Visit them and know which of them are paid sites, and whether they are useful to you:
Listed below are some resources which you can use to create your virtual babies. Know that not all the websites or the applications that enables you to do so are free. Some of the applications given below executes on android based smart phones as well as on a iOS based iDevice. They allow you to interact with your babies, on the other hand, some allows you to choose the famous personalities as the father of the baby to base its features on. Use the resources, be a good parent and have fun!
Websites to Create Virtual Babies Online
- Gamesocks
- Cyberinfant
- Baby borrowers
- Myvirtualbaby
- Secondlife
- Kindergarten
Applications for Creating a Virtual Baby
- Baby Creator 3D (App Store)
- Eccky (MSN based)
- Sweet Baby (Apple’s iPad)
- Routan Babymaker 3000
- iBaby (Perfect Parent) 1.05 for iPhone
Apps for Interacting with a Virtual Baby
- Baby Reaction
- Virtual Baby
- Virtual Baby – Babyville (Facebook)
- iMommy (iPhone application)
- Talking Emily Baby
Virtual Babies Games
- Virtual Families Lite (iPhone and iPod touch)
- Virtual Baby for Facebook
- Nick Jr. Take Care of Baby
- Make A Baby (Facebook)
- My Bambino (Facebook)
The virtual baby adoption is for those who cannot conceive an idea about what kind of virtual baby they would like to make. These individuals, whether a child or an adult, can choose to adopt a ready-made virtual baby online and fulfill their need of being a parent and enjoy the task of taking care of it.
Parenting a Virtual Child
Well, know in advance that each website has its own rules related to parenting the virtual baby. You need to confirm with these rules and take care of your baby’s cleanup, bath, entertainment, happiness, sleep and health, in general. You also need to manage things that are provided for your baby such as diapers, soap and cloths.
Once in a while, to let your baby get familiarize with the virtual world and its occupants, you need to take it for a walk. You need a walker to do so, which you don’t have. To buy things such as a walker or a pacifier, bed, or other things your baby may need, you have to fulfill some conditions laid down by the website and earn some points, just like the real world, where people earn money to buy these things.
Warning: There is an entity called moderator which keeps a sharp eye on a parent’s conduct and whether his virtual child is healthy or not. Be aware of this entity.
When it comes to taking care of the virtual babies, your own creation or adopted, things start getting tough. You need to visit it at least once a day, and change its diaper like it is your real baby. From time to time you have to gift your virtual baby. If you fail to do so, then the baby, even though it is virtual, is going to take you for an uncaring parent. As it happens with the babies in homes of real world, your virtual baby may develop a warped personality and may develop into a really bad kid.
So, watch out, avoid the pitfalls, be a good parent and give a reason for your virtual child to be boastful and proud about you. After going through all this information if you still want to make a virtual kid online, on your iDevice or a smartphone, start searching for a good name for it. Isn’t it the first thing you should take care of, in this virtual venture.