Internet access has become an integral part of personal and business communications. This article will explain to you the difference between dial-up and broadband connection.
Internet connectivity has redefined the scope of communication. Access via the Internet is commonly achieved by one or a combination of facilitating support-technologies, such as dial-up, coaxial cable or fiber optic land-lines, T-lines, satellite, broadband, and Wi-Fi.
The range of connectivity can be chosen according to its need and preference. Difference between dial-up and broadband connection helps to benefit from quicker connectivity and a variety of data rates, while tapping on the potential of the arena for higher profitability.
Dial-up Internet Connectivity
Today, dial-up Internet connectivity is the most common type of access promoted by ISPs or Internet Service Providers. The connection is cheap and slow, but enables users to connect via a local server, that exhibits strength of a standard 56 Kilobits per second modem. This access is basically, access to the Internet via integrated telephone lines.
The user’s router or computer enables access via the attached modem, which in turn connects to the preferred Internet service provider’s node. The resultant modem-to-modem link empowers the routing of dedicated Internet Protocol Packets on the Internet.
The technology has come a long way, to establish computer-based telecommunication between terminal emulator software, to integrated mainframes, online services, minicomputers, and dedicated bulletin board systems. The technology does not require any infrastructure, other than a telephone connection. It is very useful to travelers and for access in rural or remote areas. It appeals to users on limited budgets.
Broadband Internet Connectivity
The term ‘Broadband Internet Connection’ has different meanings in different contexts. In the world of data communication, it refers to data transmission over a fiber optic cable. In the case of a DSL or Digital Subscriber Line, this service relates to the transfer of digital information over a high-bandwidth channel; while on the Ethernet, the technology implies a baseband transmission using the complete bandwidth of the preferred medium (as in the case of 100BASE-T Ethernet).
In power-line communication, it refers to high-speed signaling to achieve high data rates (as in the case of ITU-T standard); while in video distribution the term refers to the modulation of individual channels, at fixed frequencies. Broadband Internet connectivity in telecommunication refers to a specially developed signaling system that integrates a wide frequency range (or band). Basically, the technology enables greater information-carrying capacity and quicker Internet access.
The Difference
The main difference between the two types of connectivity lies in the speed of access granted. The broadband option is quite the opposite of dial-up technology with regards to the time taken to access telephone connection, protocol synchronization, and data transfer. They are not only faster to operate, but also cheaper on charges and subsequent incremental costs. Most Internet service providers benefit from reconnection time and costs incurred.
Technically-inclined users naturally find the broadband facility much more beneficial than the dial-up mode. Internet technology can be capitalized by access to maximum theoretical transfer speed and connection speeds. Dial-up connections normally display a latency of around 400 ms and more, thus making video conferencing and online gaming very difficult. Broadband Internet access, on the other hand, offers speeds at approximately 700 kbit/s or higher and is priced at the same rates as dial-up.
With advances in the technology, the need for high speed connectivity demands the versatility of broadband services. However, there are potential customers who benefit from dial-up connectivity from remote regions due to the opportunity to earn profitability via lowered costs. Dial-up Internet connectivity facilitates cheap and basic web browsing. The technology can be further explored to enable integrated modems to convert uncompressed data within a faster line rate.