There are various computer display problems we encounter everyday. Most of them are simple and can be easily resolved.
The monitor is an important component of the computer. Any problem that occurs in its functioning poses difficulties for the user. These issues could range from a blurred display to irregular imaging. There are many different types of monitors, and the commonly-known ones are given below. Remember an important point, that every monitor has different settings and options, and their issues will be dealt with in slightly different manners. Some of these computer screen problems are highlighted along with the general troubleshooting tips.
Types of Monitors
- Cathode Ray Tube (CRT): These are the old models, which were heavy, had less resolution, occupied a lot of place, and consumed a lot of power.
- Liquid Crystal Display (LCD): These are light weight, occupy less space, consume less power, and offer a very high resolution.
The LCD’s are further categorized into Light Emitting Diodes (LED), Thin Film Transistors (TFT), etc.
List of Monitor Problems
- Blank Screen
First, check whether all the cords are connected to the ports and the power is turned on. If the green light is seen, it indicates that the power is being received. Now, check the connecting cables. Make sure the connections are firm, and if not, tighten them. Then reboot to check if it is still working. If the screen is still blank, try connecting it to another system. If it works, maybe something is wrong with the CPU. If it still does not work, the cable or monitor may need to be replaced. Call a technological expert to fix it. - Bizarre lines
This can be sorted out by jiggling the cord, which connects the ports. If the above trick doesn’t work, check the cord connections. It might be necessary to change the cord. One should also try to adjust the menu options. In worst cases, there might be a possibility of the system to break down completely, in which case you need to call an expert. - Blurred Screen
There are many possible causes behind the blurry appearance of the screen. The first thing one should try is the adjustment of hard settings. The next thing is the re-seating of the cables or using new cables altogether to connect the CPU with the monitor. You could also adjust the resolution of the screen, and this might be the only issue. In some cases, re-installing the monitors works. - Incorrect Image around the screen edges
For this, you may need to degauss the monitor. Many times, it may degauss itself. This will clear the elctromagnetic buildup from the screen. To do this, all you have to do is turn the monitor off, and then, switch it on again. You could also go over to its settings, and select the ‘degauss’ option. As the process is carried out, you will hear a kind of beep, and the screen reconfigures itself, and is back to normal. - Rotated Display
Go to the Control Panel, and then to the Intel Extreme Graphics Applet. Here, select the Rotation tab, and uncheck the ‘Enable Rotation’ checkbox. Click on ‘Apply’, and then on ‘OK’. Your job is done. - Unreadable Writing on screen
Again, you just have to change the resolution by going to the settings. Right click on the desktop, click on ‘Properties’, go to the ‘Settings’ tab, and change the resolution. Click on ‘Apply’. This can be adjusted via some buttons along the side or bottom of the monitor. - Very stretched, light, or dark Screen
Again, go to the settings, i.e., click a button at the bottom of the monitor, and restore the default settings. Use the different options to set the screen the way you like it.
General Tips
- The first thing that one should check is the proper connection of cords. Try plugging the electric cord that is plugged into a surge protector/UPS, onto the wall outlet directly.
- Removing the video card from the slot present on the system board and putting it back might sort out the issue.
- If the screen appears wavy or jumpy due to electrical interference, radios, speakers, fans, etc., should be kept away from the monitor.
- One more quick tip for the inverted screen is ‘CTRL + ALT + Up Arrow ‘.
It is necessary to understand as many functions of the computer as possible in order to deal with the problems efficiently.
Laptop Display Problems
The laptop screen issues of common occurrence are the appearance of a faint image, and in some cases, a garbled image. The faint image is seen if the close switch of a laptop is stuck in a closed position. If the switch is stuck in a closed position, the backlight of the monitor remains off even if the LCD is open. The switch is made of plastic, and it could be tapped few times in order to switch on the backlight. If this trick doesn’t work, one may need to replace the FL inverter board. In case of a garbled screen, the motherboard would require replacement.
If the computer screen problems are complicated, one should consult a professional. However, most of the above mentioned ones can be easily solved at home even if you are not a professional.