To increase the data rate and signal strength for your mobile, a handy device is a signal booster. Scroll below for some good booster models…
The entire concept behind a cell phone, is mobility. Communication on the move. But the carrier signal strength and range should back you up. What happens, when your cell phone can’t pick up wireless signals? Dropped calls, where one minute the phone is ringing, the next it’s not. Or you pick up or call someone, and half-way through the phone disconnects.
A weak signal range means poor data rates as well. You can’t stream music or view sites on your phone. Even if you can, the speed is so achingly slow.. And range is another issue. The signal strength can fluctuate so weirdly, that one inch here and there, and it fades away. Fed up with such problems? There’s always a way out, and the way to solve such signal problems is a wireless signal booster for cell phone devices.
Signal boosters are primarily designed for indoor use, but some models can be fitted outside. And they can work with multiple users or a single one. So if you have a signal issue in your home, and the entire family suffers from poor signal issues, then a multi-user signal booster is the device for you. For travel and office use, or just in the car, get a cradle or holder signal booster. These nifty devices require a power supply and they act as holders as well. A wireless signal booster for laptops and PCs are also available, but here’s a round up of the top wireless signal booster for cell phone models.
Wireless Signal Boosters For Multiple Devices
✆ zBoost YX545 SOHO
- Manufacturer : Wireless Extenders
- Boosting range : 3000 sq feet
- Multi-user support simultaneously
- Your phone needs no connection to the device
- Compatible with all U.S. carriers and mobiles, with 800 MHz and 1900 MHz bands
- Not compatible with Nextel/iDEN or 4G, 2100 MHz phones
- Parts include : Base unit and antenna, power supply, signal antenna and mounting hardware and coaxial cable
- Price : $270
✆ Wilson Electronics 801232 Mini-Mobile Cell Phone Signal Booster
- Manufacturer : Wilson
- Boosting range : Within a vehicle
- No need to connect cell phone or PC card to the device
- Compatible with all U.S. cellular providers (except iDEN/Nextel)
- Dual band amplifier, operating in 800/1900 MHz
- Multi-user support with easy installation
- Parts include : Magnet mount antenna, interior antenna, power supply and base unit
- Price : $190
✆ Wireless Extenders zBoost YX540 METRO Dual-Band Cell Phone Signal Booster
- Manufacturer : Wireless Extenders
- Boosting range : 1500 sq feet
- Works with any U.S. carrier and cell phones, using 800 & 1900 MHz band
- Does not work with Nextel/iDEN or 4G and 2100 MHz phones
- Multiple users are supported
- Completely indoor system, no need to place antenna outside
- Parts include : Base unit, power supply, antenna, coaxial cable, signal antenna and mounting hardware
- Price : $190
✆ zBoost YX400-P Signal Booster for Sprint and MetroPCS
- Manufacturer : Wireless Extenders
- Boosting range : 1200 sq feet
- 1-4 cellphones/device support
- Only supports Sprint or MetroPCS carriers at 1900 MHz
- Smartphone and data cards compatibility
- Very easy setup and single piece device, no external antennas
- Parts include : Single base unit and power supply
- Price : $130
✆ Spotwave Z1900 Wireless Cell Phone Signal Booster
- Manufacturer : SpotWave Wireless
- Boosting range : 2,500 sq feet
- Compatible with any wireless carrier service, working in the 1900 MHz band
- Provides quick and better 3G connectivity
- Base unit is weather-proof and can be installed outside
- Parts include : Base unit, indoor coverage unit, coaxial cable, power supply, mounting hardware, desktop stand
- Price : $115
Wireless Signal Booster for Single Devices
✆ Wilson Electronics U-Booster Cell Phone Signal Cradle Booster
- Manufacturer : Wilson
- Increases signal by 20x times the normal rate
- Cradle multi-tasks as phone charger (phone specific cable not provided)
- Cradle design allows hands-free usage of phone
- No external parts, built-in amplifier
- Easy and quick setup, highly portable
- Compatible with all carriers, except iDEn, Nextel and MIKE
- Supports GPRS and technologies like CDMA, TDMA, GSM
- Separate model available for iPhone models and Blackberry Curve
- Parts include : all-in-one cradle, mount antenna (vehicle), power adapter
- Price : $200
✆ zBoost zPocket Cell Phone Signal Booster
- Manufacturer : zBoost
- Dual band technology (800 MHz and 1900 MHz frequency bands)
- Supports all data and network technologies (CDMA, GPRS, EDGE, GSM)
- Compatible with all carriers, except iDEn and Nextel
- Easy setup, but base unit must be fastened on window to receive signal
- Light and small size, compact and good for travel
- Parts include: base unit, pocket/cradle, power supply
- Price : $140
A wireless signal booster for cell phone is a rather costly device, but they eliminate signal problems and increase wireless signal range very effectively, which is a better use of your carrier. It’s no use paying money to an expensive phone service, if you keep getting disconnected. Most brands offer a 30 day money back guarantee, so it’s a good idea to purchase a booster and try it out, to see if it is works well with your cell phone. Before buying, contact your carrier’s tech support, to check compatibility.