What do you do when you want to show your state of mind in a text message? You use symbols, of course. This Techspirited article gives you a list of various symbols and abbreviations that you can use in your text messages…
Believe it or not, for most of us, our messages remain incomplete without the use of text message symbols. Many times, the use of these emoticons is even unnecessary, but we have become so used to them that we can’t do without them. Texting abbreviations and symbols undoubtedly help us in reducing the number of characters. A simple smiley can express whether you are happy, sad, or even sarcastic about something. Texting abbreviations help you save space in messages. Besides, who would type ‘Hope to see you soon’, in a text message from your cell phone, when you can simply type HTSUS and get the message conveyed.
History of Text Messaging Symbols
Unbelievably, the use of the emoticons can be traced back to the year 1857. In April 1857, the National Telegraphic Review and Operators Guide documented, for the first time, the use of the number 73 in Morse Code to represent ‘love and kisses’. In 1912, Ambrose Bierce, the famous satirist and author of ‘The Devil’s Dictionary’ proposed the use of the symbol \__/ to represent a smiling mouth. In fact, teletype machine operators had been using emoticons even before 1973. Scott Elliot Fahlman, a computer engineer from Carnegie Mellon University, is supposed to be the first person to have proposed the most popular text message symbols or smiley faces, 🙂 and 🙁 to be used as joke markers.
Present Day Symbols
The present day symbols follow the process of graphical replacement. Most cell phones are enabled with the feature to replace the use of symbols like 🙂 or 🙂 into the corresponding smiley face. The punctuation marks 🙂 when used together in instant messengers, is automatically replaced to a smiley representing a smile. In most cases, it is a round yellow head, with two dots representing the two eyes and a curve representing the mouth. Even computer programs like Microsoft Word convert symbols that we type into their respective smileys. Now, without wasting much time, let us take a look at the different symbols and their meanings.
Text Message Symbols List
The most common combinations of punctuation marks and alphabets which are generally used to represent these symbols, have been explained below with their meanings.
Symbol | Meaning |
🙂 | Smiley without nose |
🙁 | Frowning smiley with nose |
*<|:o)> | Santa Claus |
😀 | Open-mouthed grin |
:-() | Shock |
😐 | Pursed lips/Blank look |
:-9 | Salivate |
>8-D | Crazed laughter |
:-* | Kiss |
:-{} | Big lips |
Symbol | Meaning |
🙂 | Smile |
#:-) | Wearing a hat |
:-)… | Drool |
:@ | Shouting |
:-(O) | Disbelief |
:-~) | Runny nose |
😡 | Small kiss |
%-} | Intoxicated |
:’) | Happy tears |
:-|| | Cross |
Symbol | Meaning |
🙁 | Frowning smiley without nose |
&:-) | Braid hair |
:-7 | Smirk |
:`( | Crying |
:-\ | Skeptical |
:- | Cheated |
:-X | Big kiss |
/:-| | Unamused/Mildly cross |
/\(00)/\ | Spider |
:-O | Wow! |
>:-@! | Swearing |
Symbol | Meaning |
|-O | Snoring |
🙁 | Angry/Really upset |
😛 | Sticking tongue out |
:—–) | Liar |
< 3 | Love |
C|:-) | Wearing top hat |
:-& | Tongue-tied |
:-($) | Put your money where your mouth is |
3:-) | Devilish grin |
@>;–;– | Rose |
😡 | Mouth shut |
Text Message Abbreviation List
In addition to the text symbols given above, there are various other shortcuts or abbreviations used to get the message across, either to save on characters used or to save time as well. These are usually invented either by necessity or accident, and then become mainstream when used extensively. Some of the more common text message abbreviations which are used very often have been listed below along with their meanings.
#… | |
2bctnd | to be continued |
2g4u | too good for you |
2l8 | too late |
2WIMC | to whom it may concern |
4e | forever |
4yeo | for your eyes only |
911 | emergency – call me |
A… | |
A3 | anytime, anywhere, anyplace |
AAM | as a matter of fact |
AB! | ah bless! |
ADctd2uv | addicted to love |
AFAIK | as far as I know |
AFK | away from keyboard |
AML | all my love |
ASAP | as soon as possible |
ASL | age, sex, location |
ATW | at the weekend |
ATB | all the best |
B… | |
B4N | bye for now |
BTW | by the way |
BBS | be back soon |
BCNU | be seeing you |
BBB | bye bye baby |
BEG | big evil grin |
BWL | bursting with laughter |
BM&Y | between me and you |
BOL | best of luck |
BTDT | been there, done that |
BRB | be right back |
C… | |
Cm | call me |
CU | see you |
CUL | see you later |
C&G | chuckle and grin |
COB | close of business |
CRB | come right back |
CAM | camera |
CIAO | good-bye |
CTC | care to chat? |
CT | can’t talk |
CUL8R | see you later |
D… | |
DUR? | don’t you remember? |
DIKU | do I know you? |
DC | disconnect |
D/L | download |
DTRT | do the right thing |
DGAF | don’t give a *freak* |
DTS | don’t think so |
D46? | down for sex? |
E… | |
EOD | end of discussion |
EOL | end of lecture |
E2EG | ear-to-ear grin |
EG | evil grin |
EOD | End of day |
EOM | end of message |
ETA | estimated time (of) arrival |
EAK | eating at keyboard |
F… | |
F2F | face to face |
F2T | free to talk |
FC | fingers crossed |
FYEO | for your eyes only |
FYI | for your information |
FWIW | for what it’s worth |
FBM | fine by me |
FAF | funny as *freak* |
FTW | for the win |
G… | |
G9 | genius |
GG | good game |
GMTA | great minds think alike |
GR8 | great |
GTSY | great to see you |
GTG | gotto go |
GAS | got a second? |
GGP | got to go pee |
H… | |
H&K | hugs and kisses |
H8 | hate |
HAGN | have a good night |
HAND | have a nice day |
HTH | hope this helps |
HAGO | have a good one |
HBU | how about you? |
HAG1 | have a good one |
I… | |
IC | I see |
IDK | I don’t know |
IMO | in my opinion |
IMTNG | in meeting |
IWALU | I will always love you |
IYSS | if you say so |
IIIO | intel inside, idiot outside |
ILY/ILU | I love you |
IRL | In real life |
J… | |
J4F | just for fun |
J4K | just for kisses |
JK | just kidding |
JLMK | just let me know |
JMO | just my opinion |
K… | |
KC | keep cool |
KIT | keep in touch |
KISS | keep it simple, stupid |
KK | knock, knock |
K | okay |
KOL | kiss on lips |
KPC | keeping parents clueless |
KIA | know it all |
L… | |
LOL | laughing out loud |
L8R | later |
LTNC | long time no see |
LHSX | let’s have sex |
LTS | laughing to self |
LYLC | love you like crazy |
LYSM | love you so much |
M… | |
M8 | mate |
MGB | may god bless |
MYOB | mind your own business |
MNC | mother nature calls |
MOS | mother over shoulder |
MOSS | member of same sex |
MUSM | miss you so much |
MIRL | meet in real life |
N… | |
NO1 | no one |
n00b | newbie |
NADT | not a darn thing |
NBD | no big deal |
NANA | not now, no need |
NFS | not for sale |
NFM | not for me |
NSA | no strings attached |
NWO | no way out |
NVM | never mind |
O… | |
O4U | only for you |
OIC | oh I see |
OMG | oh my God |
OOTD | one of these days |
OTFL | on the floor laughing |
OTTOMH | off the top of my head |
OYO | on your own |
OOTO | out of the office |
OTW | off to work |
P… | |
PCM | please call me |
PPL | people |
PRL | parents are listening |
PEEPS | people |
PIP | peeing in pants (laughing hard) |
PLZ | please |
POS | parent over shoulder |
PSP | playstation portable |
PXT | please explain that |
POV | point of view |
R… | |
RMB | ring my bell |
RINGL8 | running late |
RL | real life |
ROFL | rolling on floor laughing |
ROFLMAO | rolling on the floor, laughing my *butt* off |
RSN | real soon now |
RU | are you? |
RX | drugs or prescriptions |
S… | |
SOL | sooner or later |
SRY | sorry |
STATS | your sex and age |
SBT | sorry ’bout that |
SorG | straight or gay? |
STFU | shut the *freak* up |
SUX | sucks or ‘it sucks’ |
SYL | see you later |
SYS | see you soon |
T… | |
T+ | think positive |
T2ul | talk to you later |
THX | thanks |
TCS | take care sweetheart |
TAFN | that’s all for now |
TBD | to be determined |
TBC | to be continued |
THNQ | thank you |
TTTT | these things take time |
TTYL | talk to you later |
U… | |
U4E | yours forever |
URTO | you are the one |
^URS | up yours |
UFB | un-*freaking*-believable |
URW | you are welcome |
UOK | (are) you ok? |
W… | |
W4U | waiting for you |
WAN2 | want to |
WRT | with respect to |
WTG | way to go |
WUF | where are you from |
WRU | where are you? |
WAH | working at home |
WYSIWYG | what you see is what you get |
Y… | |
YBS | you will be sorry |
YKW | you know what |
YR | your |
YTG | you’re the greatest |
Z… | |
ZUP | what’s up? |
ZZZZ | sleeping (or bored) |
So now that you have your hands full with all these text symbols, and shortcuts, I will Cya l8r then. Happy txtng. Cheers!