![Text Message Abbreviations' List](https://pixfeeds.com/images/topic/6104/1200-6104-word-abbreviations-photo3.jpg)
The text message abbreviations’ list covered in the following article will make you an expert with the lingo used in instant chat messenger as well as text messages.
Texting and chatting are two most commonly used forms of communication today. With cell phones becoming a part and parcel of our daily lifestyle, it has become a must to learn some of the latest jargon used by many youngsters today. If you wish to send a quick message to a friend, the best way to do so is to send a text. However, one text message needs to be completed in just 160 characters, it is necessary to come up with certain symbols that can help you type your message in short and save time. For those who are just starting out, it becomes very difficult to understand the symbols. Also, those using instant messaging services or chat windows find it very difficult to understand the common jargon used while talking. The following article contains a text message abbreviations’ list that will help you be text-savvy.
List of Abbreviations
LOL (lots of love or laugh out loud), BRB (be right back), G2G (got to go), etc. There are many texting symbols for Facebook too. If you feel your vocabulary is limited to just a few simple short forms, then the following expressions and their meanings will prove to be helpful.
- AIGHT: All right
- B/F: Boyfriend
- BBS: Be back soon
- BBT: Be back tomorrow
- BFAW: Best friend at work
- BIB: Boss is back
- CM: Call me
- CYE: Check your email
- DD: Dear daughter
- DH: Dear husband
- DIKU: Do I know you?
- DS: Dear son
- DW: Dear wife
- F2F: Face to face
- G/F: Girlfriend
- GB:Goodbye
- GL: Good luck
- GRL: Girl
- HB: Hurry back
- HV: Have
- JFF: Just for fun
- K: Okay
- KOTC: Kiss on the cheek
- M8: Mate
- OMG: Oh my God!
- ONL: Online
- OOTO: Out of the office
- OVA: Over
- PEEPS or PPL: People
- PLS: Please
- PSOS: Parents standing over shoulder
- PU: That stinks!
- PZ: Peace
- SLAP: Sounds like a plan
- TMB:Text me back
- TTLY: Totally
- UGTBK: You’ve got to be kidding
- W? Why
- X: Kiss
- Z: Zero
Some Other Symbols
The list does not just end here, it is vast and extensive with new short forms being added everyday. Some of them are given below.
Text Message Abbreviation List
Abbreviation | Meaning |
8:] | A Gorilla |
>>: -) | A Klingon |
< 3 | A love heart |
[:] | A Robot |
@}–\-,— | A rose |
>>:< | A Turkey |
ADctd2uv | Addicted to Love |
ASL | Age, Sex, Location |
AB | Ah Bless! |
AML | All my love |
ATB | All the best |
O 🙂 | An angel |
:-|| | Angry |
>:-@! | Angry and swearing |
>: – ( | Angry, yet sad |
NE | Any |
NE1 | Anyone |
A3 | Anytime, Anywhere, Anyplace |
😮 | Appalled |
RU? | Are you? |
ASAP | As Soon As Possible |
ATM | At the moment |
@WRK | At work |
AFK | Away From Keyboard |
BGWM | Be gentle with me |
BRT | Be Right There |
B4 | Before |
:-X | Big sloppy kiss |
:-* | Bitter |
😮 zz | Bored |
BF | Boyfriend |
:^) | Broken nose |
:-E | Buck-toothed Vampire |
BTW | By The Way |
BFN/B4N | Bye For Now |
Cm | Call me |
:-< | Cheated |
>: -| | Cross |
:’-( | Crying |
:’-D | Crying with laughter |
😐 | Determined |
DK | Don’t know |
: – )… | Drooling |
E2EG | Ear to ear grin |
>8-D | Evil crazed laughter |
F2F | Face to face |
FC | Fingers Crossed |
4yeo | For your eyes only |
FYEO | For your eyes only |
FYI | For Your Information |
4e | Forever |
F2T | Free to talk |
F | Friends |
4COL | For Crying Out Loud |
G9 | Genius |
GAL | Get A Life |
GF | Girlfriend |
GTSY | Glad to see you |
GR8 | Great |
GMTA | Great minds think alike |
: – D | Grinning |
:’ ) | Happy and crying |
H8 | Hate |
HAGN | Have a good night |
HAND | Have a nice day |
:-~) | Having a cold |
H2CUS | Hope to see you soon |
H&K | Hugs and Kisses |
ILU | I love you |
OU | I owe you |
IC | I See |
IMFL | I’m Falling in Love |
IOW | In other words… |
J4F | Just for fun |
JK | Just Kidding |
JIC | Just in Case |
KC | Keep cool |
KIT | Keep in touch |
KISS | Keep it simple, stupid |
:-* | Kiss |
KOTC | Kiss on the cheek |
KHUF | Know how you feel |
L8 | Late |
Abbreviation | Meaning |
L8r | Later |
LY | Love You |
😀 | Laughter |
LOL | Laughing out loud |
LDR | Long distance relationship |
LTNC | Long time no see |
M8 | Mate |
MGB | May God Bless |
MYOB | Mind your own business |
MOB | Mobile |
MTE | My thoughts exactly |
NA | No access |
NC | No comment |
NRN | No Reply Necessary |
NWO | No way out |
NO1 | No-One |
OTOH | On the other hand |
O4U | Only for you |
PRT | Party |
PPL | People |
(:::X:::) | Plaster /Elastoplast |
PCM | Please call me |
-:-) | Punk |
:-# | Razes |
ROFL | Rolling On The Floor Laughing |
🙁 | Sad |
:-9 | Salivating |
*>’|:o)> | Santa Claus |
CU | See You |
CUIMD | See you in my dreams |
Cul | See you later |
: @ | Shouting |
7K | Sick |
SO | Significant Other |
|-I | Sleeping |
😡 | Small Kiss |
🙂 | Smiling |
SETE | Smiling Ear to Ear |
:-)= | Smiling with a beard |
#:-) | Smiling with a fur hat |
:-)8 | Smiling with bow tie |
d:-) | Smiling with cap |
&:-) | Smiling with curls |
😎 | Smiling with glasses |
{:-) | Smiling with hair |
(:-) | Smiling with helmet |
C|:-) | Smiling with top hat |
[:-) | Smiling with Walkman |
SPK | Speak |
🙂 | Smiling without a nose |
: – 7 | Smirk |
😕 | Smoking a pipe |
|-O | Snoring |
SME1 | Someone |
SOL | Sooner or later |
SRY | Sorry |
SC | Stay cool |
B-) | Sunglasses |
TOY | Thinking Of You |
T2ul | Talk to you later |
:-v | Talking |
TCS | Take Care Sweetheart |
THX | Thank You |
T+ | Think positive |
T2Go | Time to Go |
2d4 | To die for |
2g4u | To good for you |
TIC | Tongue in cheek |
2Ht2Hndl | Too hot to handle |
2l8 | too late |
TDTU | Totally devoted to you |
😉 | Twinkle (Wink) |
Y! | Typical Man |
X! | Typical Woman |
:-c | Unhappy |
>:-( | Very angry |
W8 | Wait… |
W4u | Waiting for you |
WTG | Way to go! |
WLUMRyMe | Will you marry Me? |
:-O | Wow |
URT1 | You are the one |
U4E | Yours Forever |
This was a long list that will help you learn the jargon and emoticon meanings. Unlock the secrets of text messages received and enjoy sending a few to your friends, with all these symbols.