If you are clueless about setting ringback tones for AT&T subscribed phones, this article will be helpful. Read on, to know all about ringback tones for AT&T.
Thanks to the developments in cell phone technology, today’s smart phones have gone far beyond their basic function as telecommunication devices. There used to be a time, when there were just land line telephones around and the only ‘ringtone‘ one knew about, was the standard ‘Tring’ tone. Today, it’s possible to use any one of your favorite songs as ringtones. Some bright chap then came up with the idea of ringback or answer tones that have become hugely popular with users, leading to substantial revenues for wireless telecom producers. They are now standard additions in the several extra features, that come up with cell phone plans. While checking out your favorite ringtones, check out the ringback tones provided by AT&T, exclusively for their subscribers.
For those of you who are new to cell phone usage, let me provide a brief explanation of what are ringback tones. Normally, a ringtone is a tune or song that your cell phone plays, when you get a call. While a ringtone is a music piece that you hear, when somebody calls up, a ringback tone is what your caller hears on his phone, when he waits for you to pick up the call. Instead of the boring, monotonous standard ringing tone that he would normally hear, you get a chance to entertain your callers with your favorite music. It’s a nice way of letting callers know about your taste in music, before they actually talk to you. Of course, chances are that the caller may not share your taste in music or be on your wavelength, and find the ringback tone annoying! However, more often that not, people would rather listen to music than hear a monotonous digital tone.
You may also record voice messages as ringback tones, but songs are always a better choice. What’s more, you can set personalized tones with AT&T. That is, you can arrange with AT&T, so that every one of your frequent callers can be assigned a different ringback tone.
Almost every wireless telecom service provides you with a facility to set up a song, as a ringback tone to entertain your callers; AT&T is no exception to this. It has a dedicated service to provide you with ringback tones. Here is how to go about it.
Step 1: Visit AT&T AppCenter
Visit the shop section and particularly the AppCenter of the AT&T Wireless web site and click on the ‘Buy Ringback Tones‘ link. A separate window will pop out, listing all the tones offered by AT&T. You can search according to music category (Country, Pop, Rock, Hip-Hop etc.), check out the featured artist songs, browse the list of new arrivals or choose from the top 10 tones list provided below. To preview, stream and listen to a song, just click on the song link. The price of each tone, will be displayed next to it.
Step 2: Buy Tones
Click on the ‘Get it‘ link provided next to a listed song to buy it. Once you click on the link, a log-in window will open, through which, you must sign in with your AT&T MEdia ID and password. If you don’t have an account, this is the point where you need to create one by registering. The login will be your AT&T number and you can set your own password. This account lets you keep track of your account details, pay your bills and buy tones and ringtones of your choice, besides providing many other facilities. You can purchase any song and its cost will be added to your billing. Charges may be deducted from your account balance. Once purchased, the ringback tones stay active for 180 days, after which you need to buy them again. You can buy as much as 99 tones at a time, which will be then added to the ringback tone library. Using this account, you may also buy applications, ringtones and games.
Step 3: Personalize Tones
To create personalized tones for AT&T, go to ‘Manage Ringback Tones‘ link and then go to ‘Callers and Groups‘ section. Add callers to specific answer tones by listing their numbers. With that, your job is done. Just save changes and log out. Visit anytime, to buy more or change your ringback tones.
Setting tones is a nice way of keeping your callers engaged, till you pick up a call. Entertain your callers with their personal favorite music.