If you are facing a recurrent PS3 DNS Error (80710102), then you have come to the right place. In this Techspirited article, we shall explain the methods that you can use to resolve this error, and connect to the Internet once again.
According to the official PS3 error code list, 80710102 indicates an IP conflict, meaning, the PS3 is unable to connect to the router with your current IP information.
Sony’s PlayStation 3 (PS3) is one of the most sort after gadgets in the gaming world today. With Internet connectivity, a built-in Blu-ray disc player, and plenty of hard disk space, PS3 is much more than just a gaming device; it is a complete multimedia solution with extended capabilities of home entertainment.
However, being one of the best and most advanced gaming console doesn’t mean that it is free from problems. As it happens, many PS3 users have been reporting a common error in this device – the DNS Error (80710102).
In case you are having trouble logging into your PlayStation network due to this error, then go through the following checks and fixes to see if you can get your device connected to the Internet again. But before that, let’s find out a little more about this DNS error.
DNS stands for ‘Domain Name Service’. It is a system developed to resolve the numerical IP addresses with the domain names on the Internet. It is something similar to the conversion between area names and pin codes in the process of delivering letters.
A one-to-one identification needs to be made between the IP addresses and domain names for routing data. If there is a DNS error, then it means that resolution of IP addresses is not possible.
In most cases, DNS errors have nothing to do with the DNS system. The source of the issue usually lies in connectivity problems, caused by wrong configuration, ISP downtime, or a faulty router/modem.
A DNS error, more often than not, occurs when you are using a wireless router. Typically, you see a DNS error message on the screen, and get disconnected from the network. These errors are mostly numbered according to the underlying problem. Noting these number down might help you in ascertaining the reason for that error. Even though you might reconnect for a short period of time, the problem can relapse periodically.
One of the major reasons for the occurrence of these errors is the failure on the part of the router to accept an IP address request made by the PS3. These errors can be really frustrating, especially when you are in the middle of an engaging game, and you suddenly get disconnected.
The DNS error is not a hardware compatibility problem, but rather a software issue, with the most probable cause being incorrect network settings. A DNS error usually does not occur on a wired connection, as it directly gets the configuration settings from the wired router. This is a persistent problem with wireless connections.
The DNS error code 80710102 is one of the most frequent errors reported by PS3 users. Presented below are two common methods that you can try out in order to fix this problem.
Step 1
Launch the browser and type your router’s IP address in its address bar. For most routers, the default IP address is 192.168.11.
Step 2
Now, type in your ‘Username’ and ‘Password’, and click on OK to gain access to your router’s console application.
Step 3
Click on the ‘Password’ tab and look for UPnP settings under the router’s password settings.
Step 4
There, select the ‘Disable’ option in the UPnP box, and click on ‘Save’. Lastly, close your router’s console, and restart your PlayStation. You should now be able to access the Internet.
You can try changing the DNS address on your PlayStation (not your modem) to some other value, reconfiguring your wired or wireless Internet connection. To do this, follow the steps mentioned below.
Step 1
On your PS3, go to Settings -> Network Settings -> Internet Connection Settings. In the Internet Connection Settings, select ‘Yes’ and then ‘Custom’.
Step 2
Depending upon the type of connection that you have, do one of the following:
Wired – If you have a wired Internet connection, select ‘Auto-Detect’ for the Ethernet Operation Mode.
Wireless – For a wireless connection, select the type of type of security that your wireless router is using (WEP, WPA, or WPA2). After that, enter the password for your network.
Step 3
In the IP Address Settings, select ‘Automatic’ and ‘Do Not Set’ for the DHCP host name. Set your DNS settings to ‘Manual’, and enter the following pairs of primary and secondary DNS numbers.
Primary –
Secondary –
Primary –
Secondary –
Primary –
Secondary –
Step 4
Set the MTU to ‘Automatic’, proxy server to ‘Do Not Use’, and enable the Universal Plug and Play. Lastly, press the ‘X’ button to save the settings, and press it again to test the connection. The DNS error should now be sorted, and the Internet should be accessible.
If after trying out the methods presented above, you are still faced with the DNS error, then it is advised that you seek professional help by contacting your dealer or the service center.