After the best, top-most, ones-you-can’t-miss, and breathtakingly amazing apps, the following article gives away some must-have apps for your darling gadget. ‘Droid’ in…
Your Android phone is considered as disabled if you do not have applications in it. Think of it, would you like to work on a laptop with no Internet connection in it? Anyway, whether you’ve just bought this amazing product from the Google clan, or you’re hunting for some newness, hotness, and chicness for your widget, we’ll get you hooked with the must-have applications for your Droid to grab an all new experience of using your Android phone. Some of them may not be free of cost, and you may be charged for using those apps, but they’re worth it. Nothing goes wrong when you have a Droid in your hand. Know why.
Must-have Apps for Droid
The variety of applications that is offered for Droid owners is no less than a nightmare – it’s like shopping for clothes, literally. You like every outfit, but cannot decide which one to pick, as there are too many. Just too many. Well, in case of applications, you have an edge, though. Mostly because many of them don’t even need you to pay a cent for them. So, here we go with the apps that are free of cost, followed by the ones that have a price tag along with them.
Facebook for Android
“Let the world go to hell, let me do facebooking!” If you’re an ardent devotee of Mark Zuckerberg, this app is a must have. Stay connected with friends with the help of Facebook all throughout by installing it for free.
Documents to Go
Manage and organize all your data with this phenomenal Droid app that makes organization a cake-walk. This application supports almost all data format, and is my pick for the most useful app that Droid can have.
Pandora Radio
What’s life without music? What’s a phone without Pandora Radio? Certainly a killer app, this Internet radio device lets you choose your favorite artists and their songs your way. Listen to whichever music you want to listen, and this app will play it all for you. Undoubtedly, one of the best Droid apps ever, don’t you think so?
Now this one will blow your mind! Go jogging, running, or cycling, and this app keeps a track of your speed, calories burnt, and distance traveled. Know your itinerary the easy way, now that you have this app handy for your Droid!
Google Goggles
A veteran in languages like English, French, German, and Spanish, this app recognizes images in whichever part of the world you are. Suppose you’re unaware of a particular place. Click a pic of it, and Google Goggles will provide you all the information associated with the image. Ahem… What do you think of this one?
Should you want some more, here’s an accumulation of some more free Droid apps that are a must-have:
- Google Voice: ‘Hello’ is Cheaper Now
- Nimbuzz: The ‘Chat’ter Box
- Twidroyd: Tweet the Easy Way
- PhotoShop Mobile: Add Life to Those Pics
- Shazam: Personalized Music Repository
Easy Tether
Comes for $9.95, and allows you to share data packets on your Android with your computer. Connect your phone with your computer, and go surfing!
This is one of the best apps in the paid category, mostly because of its distinctness as an application. Available for just $9.99, it changes your phone’s settings in accordance to the location you’re in. GPS is what it uses for changing the settings, and making it favorable and handy for you to use your Droid in the best way possible.
SMS Commander
Lost your phone accidentally? Worry not! If you have this app installed in your Droid, no matter where you’ve left it, a single sms will command your phone to do whatever you want it to do. Lock it, secure it, text automatically, turn the ringer volume up or down… This app will do it all for you. It’s available for $1.99.
Music extravaganza you cannot afford to miss. This app is available for $9.99, and is certainly, a must-have Droid app for the simple reason that it streams down countless songs for you to listen, enjoy, and store in your phone.
PicSay Pro
Fond of editing photos? Get this app installed into your Droid, and start manipulating your pics. This app is available for $2.99, and is definitely worth a go, as per the various app reviews.
Hunting for more? Here’s a brief list of some more applications for Droid in the paid version:
- Camera Zoom FX – $2.99: ‘Click’ is Better now
- Beautiful Widgets – $1.39: Design me Screen!
- 360 Live – $1.99: For Xbox Freaks
- FIFA 10 – $4.99: Kick me Easy!
- Documents ToGo Premium – $14.99: For Those Official Files
That’s where I wind up my take on the must-have Droid apps. This information must have surfeited your appetite for Android applications, I’m sure about it. Tip your hand at each, and share your experience, till I come back again with another take on the up-and-coming Android apps!