I know, you’ll kill to know even a single way that tells you how to see who views your Facebook profile. Well, the following words tell you whether it is actually possible to do so.
Nothing gives me more pleasure than stalking people on Facebook. In simpler words, I could phrase this as my favorite pastime on this mammoth site. To tell you the truth, I’m sick of updating statuses, uploading pics, and definitely bored to death with ‘becoming a fan’ of or ‘liking’ community pages. So, I stalk people. I find utmost pleasure in knowing what’s happening in people’s lives. Who broke up with whom, and who’s currently dating who. Whose pics represent a total wardrobe malfunction, et al (girly, eh?). And do you know what amuses me the most? It’s the fact that there’s no such thing as profile viewer tracker on Facebook. I can’t help but giving an evil grin.
You can’t blame me alone for being such a stalker at heart. We all are – Facebook made us one, didn’t it? Given a chance, I’d love to browse through the profile pictures of that duck-faced lassie my recent crush is eyeballing at. I’d turn the world upside down to find out the relationship status of my hot cousin. And yes. I WANT to read those interesting wall-to-wall conversations of my friends. Oh, wait! Is this the case with you too? Do you too thank Mark Zuckerberg for not having provided us with the only option that Orkut boasts the most of? Profile viewing? When we’re so fond of stalking, but obviously, someone or the other might be finding solace in stalking us too. Our every move on Facebook. This is where my inner demon scratches head, and starts hunting all over hell for just one way by which, I could know who viewed my profile. So, well, I spent a lot of energy in ‘liking’ those inane profile viewer software, which ask you to join them in the first place, and then, invite your entire friend list to like it too, and when you do, you end up realizing that you’re the biggest fool on the planet of Facebook. Ah, to bring you some respite, after a lot of research, here I am, to tell you exactly how to find out who went through your Facebook profile. Your curiosity meets its solution. Now.
Disclaimer: The methods stated below are just a result of research. We do not claim any confirmation or authenticity.
Fan Pages Unleashed
Okay, so, right at the outset, I must tell you that, all those self-acclaimed profile viewers that your friends have become a part of by liking them, and inviting you to join them too, are FAKE. Period. For those who’ve created such Fan Pages, saying OMG! OMG! This profile-viewer actually works! or I just found out my stalkers!, need to stop befuddling users more, and perplex them with all the wrong ways of how to use Facebook profile view trackers. You cannot track who viewed your profile, no matter how many times he or she does it. However, as a treat to your curiosity, there do exist profile viewer tracking tools and software, that track every person that views your profile. Now, when you go to Facebook FAQ, it clearly denies the existence of any Facebook application that enables profile viewing. It states that, if an outside developer tries providing such functionality, he or she will be banned from Facebook. Simple as that.
Unfaced, Doorbell, Stalker
A few sites called Unfaced, DoorBell, and Stalker are believed to tell people how to view private Facebook profiles. They track the IP addresses of people who click on your profile, and view it. However, tracking IPs is illegal, and sites that bring into use such tracking methods may soon have to face legal action. As for now, you could sign up on Unfaced, following which, you’d be provided with a link or a code, which you need to use as per the instructions by Unfaced. However, the founder of Unfaced has faced up quite a few legal actions from Facebook developers, wherein, not only was the founder’s account on Facebook was suspended, the site also received a desist letter from Facebook to cease the tracking operation. Well, seems like ultimately, it’s the users’ call to fall for such sites, now when they’ve been ‘unfaced’ like this!
The Truth about Applications
Note that, there simply exists no particular application that clearly fetches you the list of your profile visitors (friends and strangers). However, in response to the ever-increasing demand of profile viewer applications, many third party developers have created a slew of applications on Facebook that tell you the people who’re most active on your profile. One such application is Facebook Stalker Check that represents the people in your friend list that “stalk” you the most. The truth is, they’re no fans or stalkers – they’re your friends ranked in the order of the frequency by which they visit your profile. The more a friend clicks on your profile, the higher his/her rank is. For example, there is an extremely popular application on Facebook called My Top Fans that fetches you a list of your top fans; friends who’ve visited your profile. Search for it on Facebook, and give it a go. Many such applications have been created, but not all of them work. No one except for the Facebook guys know if these applications are authentic or not. What’s more, even if these applications stand pat in terms of authenticity, all you’re getting to know is the names of your friends visiting your profile. What about strangers? Sadly, there’s no authentic application for that yet.
Another website called StatCounter Web Tracker can be brought into help to find out the amount of traffic your web page is receiving. Now, this application is an invisible web tracking system, and doesn’t particularly tell you the names of people who visited your profile. But you can at least keep track of the popularity of your profile page.
You know, what I think is, it’s better not to indulge in foreign sites in order to know things like profile viewing and stuff. Facebook is very, very particular about its users’ privacy, and if you’re towards the saner side, you would not believe a bandwagon social-networking platform like this to let foreign websites play with its rules and regulations. What I’d recommend you is, if at all you decide to use Doorbell, Unfaced, or Stalker, first create a fake account on Facebook, and then risk its privacy. Don’t be a ninja, and end up goofing up with your personal, authentic Facebook account. Your suggestions and experiences are fervently awaited. Let me know, if any of you is successful in combating the policies laid down by Mr. Zuckerberg.