The SSID is used to allow access to others than yourself to a Wi-Fi hotspot or a wireless connection in the proximity. In this Techspirited article, we give you some pointers on how to find the SSID on various devices.
Did You Know?
An SSID of zero length (null value) is called a broadcast SSID.
SSID (Service Set Identifier) is a unique identifier or name given to a wireless network. It is a set of alphanumeric characters that comprise the location as well as the name of a local wireless network. It acts as a unique identifier for a wireless LAN.
A network administrator always uses a public SSID to broadcast a signal to all wireless devices in its range. In reality, it is a 32-character sequence combining the manufacturer’s code and the code of the router. It acts as part of the first defense against hackers trying to get free access to a Wi-Fi network. The SSID is usually hidden by users as a security measure to prevent wireless snooping. If the network access is to be shared with other users, the SSID is required. We help you in identifying the SSID on your PC as well as other devices.
How to Find SSID
On Windows
Though the color of the icon may differ, the Wireless connection icon is usually identified by green waves. You can even press the Window and R button to open the Run window and type ncpa.cpl to check if your adapter is enabled.
1. In Windows XP and Vista, double-click on the icon. In case of Windows 7 or 8, single-click on the icon.
2. Click on the ‘General’ tab to open the active network menu.
3. The active network’s ID will be displayed in the ‘Network’ or ‘Currently Connected To’ section.
4. You can view the SSIDs of other networks below the active network.
Mac OS X
1. Click on the Apple icon and open System Preferences.
2. In System Preferences, select Network Preferences.
3. Select AirPort for the device and the SSID will be displayed in the Network Name field.
On Android
1. Open Settings on your Android phone.
2. In the Settings menu, look for the Wi-Fi option and turn it on.
3. The phone scans for all the wireless networks in the area and displays it in a list format. You can find the SSID of each network.
LinkSys Router
1. Open a browser and enter in the address bar. It is the default IP address used by LinkSys routers.
2. Enter the username and password assigned to you. Or you can reset the router settings and set a new username and password. Click OK.
3. On the Setup tab, the SSID field will display the information you need.
Netgear Router
1. Open a browser and enter in the browser. It is the default IP address generally used by Netgear.
2. Login with ‘admin’ for user and ‘admin1’ for password when the dialog box pops up.
3. In the menu on the left-hand side, go to Gateway, then Connection, and finally Wi-Fi. You can find the SSID in the Network Name field.
Nintendo Wii
1. On the Wii’s main menu, click the Wii button on the lower left corner.
2. This will take you to the Settings menu. Now click on Wii Settings.
3. Inside the Wii Settings menu, click on the Internet button and select Connection Settings.
4. You can find the SSID of your local network here. If the connection still gives you a problem, you can view the SSID at the bottom of your router and enter it manually.
If you still aren’t able to find the SSID, you can use applications such as inSSIDer, NetStumbler, or Kismet.