Have you been craving for a pet, yet are in no position to own one? Check out the next best alternative to a real pet. Adopting a free online virtual pet is a fun way for millions of people around the world to give vent to their desire of owning a real pet…
Increasingly popular among children and adults alike, free virtual pets and creatures have become the newest fad in town. It does not take a scientist to decode why online virtual pets have gained such immense popularity; the reason is simple! Remember the days when you wanted a pet to play around with, but were allergic to the cat and dog hair lying around the house? Well, virtual pet adoption seems to be the solution to all those ‘live pet’ problems.
With no problems like fur-balls and allergies, virtual pets give you the chance to keep a pet and take care of and love, even if only virtually. In fact, owning an online virtual pet is great fun! They are not only designed to look like real pets, but also seem to have personalities and are dependent on your love and care to survive. In fact, my virtual pet fish, ‘Cleopatra’ needed to be fed nearly twice a day, and when happy would actually blow me kisses! Moreover, a virtual pet can be a dog, cat, fish, horse, camel, pig, or any creature that you can think of. Yes, you can even adopt a dinosaur!
Online Free Virtual Pets
Virtual pets, also known as digital pets, are artificial human companions who have been modeled on the lines of a real life animals. Using realistic visual effects, these fun-to-keep pets can be simulated and are interactive, requiring day-to-day care, feeding, and attention of owners. For those wanting the interaction with their online pets to be less goal oriented, there are cyber pets which are unique, personalized graphics that can be ‘adopted’ and displayed on a website. With these online pets, a day-to-day interaction is not required. Owners can just choose to explore the character of their pets and enjoy their presence.
How To Adopt a Free Virtual Pet?
Adopting free virtual pets is quite simple. All you need to own a virtual pet is a valid email address!
- First, check out the virtual pet download sites. They offer free online virtual pets.
- Most of the sites offer static or flat 2D pets. There are, however, a few websites which give realistic virtual pets that look similar to the puppies and kittens that we adopt in real life.
- Carefully go through the different pets the website has to offer. See which pets need daily care, how often do they need to be fed, and other considerations.
- Next, select the pet for you. Depending on the website you have chosen, the website will either allow you to download the pet as a desktop pet; or you will have to sign-up and create an account on the website. You will then have to login daily to take care of your pet.
- As a final step, you will have to name your pet! make sure to select a name that is unique, and also one that is special to you.
Once you have found the perfect pet for yourself, there are a host of things that you can do with it. Some websites ever offer various virtual pet games. From interacting with other owners, to exploring your pet’s home, and even earning points to spend on your pet, this form of social interactivity is fun, for both children and adults alike.
Usually virtual pets are animated and respond to calling or touching. They even complain when they need care or attention! In addition, you can train your pet, dress them up and even participate in competitions with other virtual pets. However, here is a word of caution for all the procrastinators out there – neglecting your online virtual pet may lead to it ‘dying’ or (even worse) being taken away from you!
It is true that the relation that you forge with a real animal is in no way comparable to the interaction with the virtual pet. However, adopting a virtual pet brings in hours of fun and enjoyment. Virtual pets for kids are a fun way for a child to learn of the commitment and dedication needed to care for a real animal. It could be a step to prepare your child before you grant his/her wish and get him/her a real pet! As people become busier with each passing day, a free online virtual pet seems to be the best alternative for pet lovers.