Of the various customizations available for a jailbroken iPhone or iPod touch, theming is by far the best bet. In this article, we will have a look at some of the top Cydia themes that this software has to offer.
Since its launch in January 2007, iOS has come a long way to power the three most popular Apple products: the iPhone, iPod touch, and the iPad. While each of these products has been a trend setter in terms of sales, not everybody seems to be satisfied with what they have to offer. That explains why people are resorting to replacement software like Cydia.
Cydia has become quite popular among those who are comfortable with jailbreaking. It owes its popularity to the hordes of apps and themes it has to offer. While apps can make your iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad much more efficient than what they are, themes can work wonders for their appearance.
How to Use Cydia Themes?
Basically, you need to install the WinterBoard app on your jailbroken iPhone in order to activate the themes that Cydia has to offer. WinterBoard allows you to customize your iPhone with various themes, as well as backgrounds, wallpapers, sounds, status bar, etc. In order to install Cydia, you will have to jailbreak your iPhone. Once you are done with Cydia installation, you can move on to install the WinterBoard app by choosing it from the list of apps.
After installing the WinterBoard, you can go to the list of custom themes to choose the theme you want. In this list, you will see the Install tab next to every name. You will have to click on this tab to download the theme. Once you are done with the downloading part, you can launch the WinterBoard app and go to the list of downloaded themes. In this list you will see all the themes that you have downloaded. You can scroll through the list and activate the theme you want by simply clicking on it.
Top Cydia (WinterBoard) Themes for iOS
There are thousands of themes to choose from, and thus, choosing one can be a tedious task. The wide range of available themes are categorized into sports, movies, layouts, nature, etc. Simply put, there is something for everybody.
- Aladar Theme
- Alit Winterboard Theme
- Aqua Flivor Theme
- Betty Boop Theme
- Black Chrome iPhone Theme
- BlackMac iPhone Theme
- Bleach Theme
- Blue Thunder Theme
- Burger King Theme
- Civilization Theme
- Covette Theme
- Crump Theme
- Deep Theme
- Delnoch Theme
- Ferrari Theme
- GinoAwesome Theme
- Glasklart iPhone Theme
- Gucci Theme
- iBox Carbon Theme
- iBugnah Theme
- iComplete Theme
- iGlass Sol Theme
- iLLumine Theme
- iShine Theme
- iWood Realize Theme
- Matte Nano Theme
- Niffob-Kirik Theme
- Shelf Theme
- Straight-P Theme
- Tenius Theme
- The Metal Thing Blue Theme
- Ultimate Chrome Theme
- Umicon Theme
- Windows Advanced Theme
As with apps, even Cydia themes for iPod touch and iPhone are same owing to the default operating system they use. In the case of Apple iPad, however, things may be a bit different, as the large size of its screen can hamper its compatibility of these themes.