If you are stuck with many Mp4 files, here is your guide on converting Mp4 to Mp3 files, so that you can squeeze in some more files in your iPod.
Mp3 is an acronym for MPEG-3 (Moving Picture Experts Group). This is a common format for audio files. The most unique thing about Mp3 format is that it compress other audio formats to a very low-sized file. Mp3 files are small, but even after any original audio format is converted to Mp3 the audio quality still remains high.
Mp4 is an acronym for MPEG-4, which is used to compress video files. Mp4 uses advanced video coding technology. So, just like Mp3, the Mp4 files are great for compressing large-sized video files. Did you know that Mp4 files allow the user to watch DVD quality videos on the Internet even though the speed is less than 1 Mbps?
How to Convert Mp4 to Mp3
- The first step is to download a good converter that allows you to convert Mp4 files to Mp3 files. You can select any of the below conversion software.
- It is good if you download a tool, which has a simple interface and allows you to convert multiple Mp4 files to Mp3 files. So you can just upload 10 files in the converter, do some other chore in the meantime and then come back to your machine to find all the files converted to Mp3.
- Make sure you download it from a secure site, or you might end up having additional spyware or other nasty viruses in your computer.
- Once you are finished downloading the software, install it.
- Separate out the Mp4 files you want to convert into a folder.
- Then upload these Mp4 files in the converter tool and specify a path for the new Mp3 files.
- Put the video Mp4 files for Mp3 audio file conversion, and forget about them.
- After a while check if the files are properly converted.
Tunebite Universal Converter
The iTunes files which come in Mp4 format are DRM protected. The Tunebite Universal Converter tool helps to remove the DRM copy protection for many files. This is one of the best tool for converting your Mp4 files. You can find this free software download on cnet.
Converting on Mac
One of the best converter for mac users is HxMusic Converter. This is a legal tool to convert your Apple iTunes protected files. You can download the free trial version, and if you like the performance of this software for converting files on iTunes, you can buy it for a price of about $39.95.
If you want to avoid downloading a software and directly convert Mp4 to Mp3 format; then there are many sites that allow you to convert the files online. Some of these sites are mediaconverter, convertfiles, and grabtubeconverter.