This article will help you in setting up a virtual private network (VPN) and wireless VPN routers for small businesses.
VPN routers should be able to provide you with ultimate sharing between the connections and improved wireless connectivity, in addition to boosting the speed. Networking is the backbone of any business today, be it a small or a large enterprise. VPN maintains privacy while using common public domains.
Virtual private network enables the user to access the Internet with increased security. It makes use of L2TP (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol), resulting in encryption of data while sending and decryption while receiving. L2TP has been suggested by CISCO as a security measure for creating network addresses.
A tunnel is a connection between a VPN client and its server. Several protocols such as PPTP (Point to Point Tunneling Protocol), L2TP, and IPsec (Internet Protocol Security) are widely used in this technique. These networks can be categorized into 3 types: intranet for small business, virtual private network for connecting multiple local area networks, and virtual private network for a remote connection.
Best Routers
One of the best VPN routers is CISCO’s RV042. It is compatible for up to 50 remote connections. It offers speeds up to 2000 Mbps per LAN port and is equipped with cutting edge packet inspection firewall. It offers up to 30 secured remote connections and is based on PPTP. With point to point tunneling protocol, an organization can spread out its network on the Internet through tunnels. The organization no more needs to lease the lines, but can use public computer networking for a wide area network. PPTP is supported and sponsored by Microsoft Inc.
RV042 works as a foolproof system, since it is equipped with dual Internet ports. In addition to internal network, RV042 allows you to connect with other users across the globe, since it is the basic need of small businesses. Authentication characteristics and firewalls keep your systems safe from the dangers of third party accessing your data. Remote users can connect to the network for accessing tools such as e-mail or other data, in a secured manner.
Setup Procedure
Follow these simple steps to set up your network.
Step 1: Click on control panel in windows and then go to network connections. Select ‘create a new connection’ option from the list of LAN and dial-up connections. A new connection wizard will guide you further.
Step 2: Click on ‘Next’ to initiate the wizard and then go to ‘my workplace connection’. Click on ‘Next’. Select ‘VPN connection’ and click ‘Next’.
Step 3: In the ‘company name’, type a name for your network and click ‘Next’.
Step 4: Enter the IP address or name of the remote server and click on ‘Next’. A ‘connection availability’ screen will appear. Click ‘Next’ followed by the ‘Finish’ button.
The new VPN has been set up for your Windows OS.