Are you looking for the best iPhone 4 apps? Well, I would say you have landed on the right page. This article will tell you about what the must-have iPhone 4 apps are. So have a look.
The iPhone, developed by Apple Inc, is an Internet enabled smartphone combining the features of an iPod with that of a mobile phone. The Apple iPhone 4 is a gadget which is loaded with numerous features. Add to that its slick dimensions, high-resolution screen, the ability to record HD videos, an improved operating system, gyroscope gaming, a 5 MP camera, and brilliant call quality, and you have everything that you can desire from a phone.
The Apple iPhone 4 is a groundbreaking device that provides you with access to several applications like Loopt, Pandora, Twitter, and Tap Tap, to name just a few. These are among the best iPhone 4 apps. There are many other such iPhone apps that you can download either for free or after paying a small amount. These apps include Apple iBooks, Evernote, Netflix, and a whole lot more. Although the Apple iPhone comes preloaded with a whole lot of applications, developers around the world are constantly in the process of developing new applications and games, so as to catch the eye of the customers. Before downloading any application, make sure you understand whether it is a free app or a paid one, and then proceed.
Top iPhone 4 Apps
Let’s take a look at the most useful iPhone 4 apps, that you should definitely install on your phone. Not only do these applications allow for many hours of entertainment, but some of them are extremely useful too.
Facebook iPhone App
I guess the first application anyone would want on their phone nowadays would be Facebook. The mobile app for Facebook for the iPhone 4 is free, and it lets you stay in touch with family and friends, just like you would use this social networking site on your computer. You can update your status, comment, upload images and even videos. Installing it on your iPhone would allow you to stay connected, even on the go.
Skype iPhone App
Now just like Facebook, most of us need Skype too. Besides just allowing us to stay connected to family and friends, this application lets us make calls, including video calls, all for free. And for very nominal chargers, we can also make international calls to anywhere in the world. An added feature is that, Skype can be allowed to run in the background, so that calls can be taken, very similar to how we answer calls on the phone itself.
How would you like to have your own personalized radio station! That is what Pandora is all about. As you keep playing music, and key in and listen to your favorite songs and artists, Pandora takes the hints and stores them. It then gradually plays more and more music just according to your taste. Eventually, all the music and artists you like will keep playing and you won’t ever have to manually selects radio stations, playlists or songs.
This application is universal to both the iPhone and iPad. Twitterrific is an award-winning Twitter client, with some really amazing features. It lets you use Twitter in many ways besides just reading and composing tweets. With Twitterrific, you cannot use Twitter’s streaming API, but the auto-refresh every few minutes works as long as the app is running. Again like Facebook, it lets you stay in touch and be updated, while on the go.
This is again a free application for the iPhone 4. The iBooks allows a user to experience a 3.5″ retina display, which gives you a reading experience that can match any dedicated eReader. You can also sync this application with your other devices, like the iPad. So for all you bookworms, this is one application that you should have on your iPhone 4. You won’t have to look anywhere else to enjoy your favorite books.
If you want to keep track of most things in your life, then Evernote is a must-have. This application assists you in remembering almost everything happening in your life. Be it notes, ideas, snapshots, text, you can put them all in Evernote and keep a track of things. And what’s more, it can even be synchronized with your other systems. Though Evernote is the same version as on the earlier phones, it is still worth the keep.
At least once in your life you might have experienced that time when you were listening to some music at some coffee shop, and then you hear a song you just love or had heard a long time ago. Now, you just can’t place the name of the song or the artist in your head. Well, just let Shazam listen to the song playing, and it will identify the song for you. What’s more, you can even play that very song, buy it, watch its video, and even get the lyrics too. Awesome right!
Weather Channel
Your iPhone would be incomplete without the Weather Channel application. It provides you with maps, weather forecasts and alerts, besides other useful things. This application also has full screen interactive radar maps, a panning and zoom feature, and a lot of seasonal information. So the next time you are heading for an important appointment, you will never have to worry what the weather is going to throw at you. One heck of a useful application, it is.
You have a WordPress site/blog? Then you surely need this application on your iPhone 4. It allows you to do everything, from creating posts, editing posts, creating and editing pages, adding images and videos, etc. It even supports multiple WordPress accounts, just in case you have more than one blog. And you can even create a new blog from within the application itself. You won’t ever feel the need to lay your hands on a computer, while on the go.
If you are one who loves shooting videos, then iMovie is something you should have on your iPhone 4. Though it is not a free application, and will cost just under $5, and even though you cannot use music sold in protected form from the iTunes Store, it is worth the money. iMovie lets you edit and play the HD clips that you have recorded on your iPhone. Need anything else be said! Give it a try, you’ll surely love it.
The application TomTom is a tad expensive at $50, but it is a good one nevertheless. TomTom is a navigation application that can run in the background of your iPhone 4 and throw directions at you. Data is stored on your phone, so no Internet connection is required to calculate distances and routes. This is very handy when you’re in a no-network zone. This app will give you a reliable navigation experience.
If you have a Netflix subscription, then you should get the Netflix application on your iPhone 4. The application lets you watch movies, either instantly or through streaming. It also allows you to make your views about any movie know, by letting you rate them directly through the application. Though, this application like before, does not have the DVD queue management tool, for which you will have to use a computer.
The Dictionary.com application allows you to get instant definitions, rather than having to wait for the website to load. Another useful feature is that the dictionary can be set as per local preferences, which is vital while on the move. It is loaded with more than quarter of a million word definitions, and besides that around 80,000 synonyms. If you use the free version, you will have to bear with some Ads, which the paid version does not display.
Camera Plus Pro
Besides capturing photos and video, and real-time full resolution photo editing, this awesome application also lets a user have multiple file sharing, private sharing and sharing by Wi-Fi too, multi-level flash, and even lets you add copyright notes to any image. Other useful features include burst mode, anti-shake, timer, Geo tags and grid lines. Images and videos can easily be shared on Picasa, Youtube, Facebook or Twitter.
Opera Mini
OK, the iPhone 4 comes loaded with the Safari browser. Then what is the need for an alternative browser? The advantage is, when your network collapses, and Safari won’t load, Opera Mini will. What it does is, being a proxy browser, instead of actually loading web pages, it sends out requests to the Opera servers itself, which loads the website pages, compresses them by nearly 90%, and sends these compressed images to your phone.
Best iPhone 4 Games
- Real Racing
- Flight control
- FIFA 11
- Angry Birds
- Words With Friends
- FarmVille
- Cut the Rope
- Unblock Me
- Assassin’s Creed
- Temple Run
These were, according to us, some of the best iPhone 4 apps that you should definitely have on your iPhone. Go ahead and get these cool apps for iPhone 4. While some of them are for free and some have to be paid for, all of them are definitely worth having.