Most of us are so fond of babies, that we feel like having one of our own when we see those cutie pies. If you really feel a strong urge to have one, feel free to adopt a virtual baby.
Well, the fun things to do on Internet are endless. However, the latest mania that has hit the web-dwellers is raising a baby virtually! Now almost everyone seems to be cuddling a virtual baby in the cyber world. Yes, you too can join this club if you desire to enjoy the fruits of parenthood or just want to enact the role of a parent. You can do all this with help of a computer and a modem. Gone are the days of virtual pets. Now fake web babies are the next big thing. So how do you start playing this game of adopting a virtual baby? Before we answer this, you need to make yourself aware of the whole concept of virtual adoption and the baby care process it entails.
What is Virtual Adoption?
The virtual baby adoption sites let you adopt a fake virtual baby and play with him/her just like you would play with a real baby. It creates situations that require the users to think before acting. It guides you through the process by giving you various options that may be suitable for a particular situation; this situation is created by the site itself. It is then the responsibility of the guardian of the virtual baby to decide and act as he/she may think appropriate.
The various activities that are included on the virtual baby adoption sites are very much related to the activities that have to be done by parents or babysitters while taking care of a child. Some of these activities include diaper changing, feeding, playing, making the baby stand, burping, etc. You are guided through these events by the site.
While you are playing with your baby, he may suddenly start crying; at this point the guardian of the baby has to either change the baby’s diaper, feed him or give a toy to make him happy. You get points when you successfully satisfy the needs of the baby. With the earned points, you can buy baby products and baby-goodies for your baby. The way you raise virtual babies determines their future behavior.
You can also design the interior of the baby nursery. This feature is specially beneficial for those who are expecting a baby soon and are in a dilemma about how to decorate the baby’s room. Some sites provide full freedom of selecting the furniture, color of the baby’s room and also shift the furniture the way you want. Many sites let you download the virtual baby so that you can nurture it even when you are not logged on to the site; all this only by clicking the correct options.
The whole process is very simple. All you have to do is go to the site and check the features rendered by the site. If you feel that they are suitable for you, register on the site. You will get to select the gender of the baby, the baby name and also upload the picture if you have one. You can compare your score with other people’s score to know how you are performing and improving. You have to be always with the baby and not abandon him/her for a long time, just like a real baby.
Many small kids, especially girls, like to play with dolls. They may also like the option of playing with a virtual baby. Also, if you adopt a virtual baby for kids, they themselves can learn a lot and become more responsible while they care for a virtual baby i.e. their adopted virtual baby.
Remember, even though it is a simulation of real life activities, it is not perfect. You may have to face different situations in real life than the ones faced when you adopt a virtual baby online. Also, when you are performing these activities you are merely doing it with a mouse click. However, when you are taking care of a real baby, you are handling the baby with your own hands and hence, you have to be extremely careful. Reading baby care books can help you take the necessary precautions.
Virtual Baby Adoption Sites
There are numerous sites available on the Internet which will offer you the option of adopting a virtual kid. This is beneficial for those who wish to simulate the baby care process and for to-be-parents or young babysitters who lack the experience of taking care of an infant. Here are a few popular sites that will give a fun parenthood experience.
Feel like playing mommy to imaginary or virtual children? Then go to babydow site for an ultimate baby simulation experience. This is a site which you can join with absolutely no cost and have a lot of fun while dressing, bathing, and raising your own virtual baby. You can do virtual shopping for your baby’s needs like toys, food, bathing supplies, etc.
Whether you want to cuddle your baby or just go for a walk in the park, you are free to do anything that a loving parent does for his/her kids. Just remember to have the foresight of taking appropriate precautions for bad weather and other possible events. You can also chat up with other mommies and daddies in the nursery’ forum about the ‘kids’ like real parents do.
It’s an old baby simulation game where two people got together to raise their virtual kid. For this game, two people were required to play and share the responsibilities of parenthood. However, in the year 2009, the format and rules of the game were changed. Now it’s more of a life simulation game than virtual baby care gaming site where you can visit your friend’s house in Eccky’s virtual world.
This is an amazing virtual baby care site where you can take care of all those things that are involved in raising a baby. You need to feed, bathe, dress up and change baby’s diapers. You will earn points for properly taking care of your baby and these points will indicate how good a parent you are. Your job is to make the baby happy as the score point will show the baby’s current mood. You can also adopt a virtual pet in this game.
The parents-to-be can learn a few basic things from these sites. However, it is suggested that you attend baby care classes to enhance your parenting skills. Virtual baby sites are mostly for entertainment purposes. They are helpful for beginners, but to a limited extent. You can adopt a virtual baby to get introduced to the very basics of baby care.