The Xbox 360 Slim is the latest iteration of the Xbox 360, and production of earlier models has stopped, including the Elite. This article compares the two consoles in every department of importance to the user.
The Xbox 360 developed by Microsoft is one of the best video game consoles in history, and it is capable of doing so much more than simply playing high quality video games. The Xbox 360 was first released in May 2005, and it was the successor to the original Xbox console. It is part of the 7th generation of video game consoles, and it has sold more than 50 million units since its launch. In this time span, different models of Xbox 360 have been released, since the market demands constant updates and changes in the technology and the looks of the console itself.
The newer model is the Xbox 360 Slim, and it is popularly known as the Xbox 360 S. It was released in June, 2010 and the motherboard inside the console (the Valhalla motherboard) was completely redesigned. It provided for 30% more space than previous motherboards which led to the console being smaller, quieter, and cooler, the console also came with a built in Wi-Fi function, which was absent in previous models. The Xbox 360 Elite was released between April and August of 2007, and it strictly included a 120GB hard drive only, which was a considerable update at the time.
The Elite is fairly limited in comparison with the new Slim model, and this makes it inferior in all departments. Here are the major differences between the two consoles.
- The Slim has a glossy black finish, rather than the matte black finish of the Elite. Most people agree that the finishing of the Slim is far superior to that of the Elite.
- The Slim has an embedded Wi-Fi adapter, whereas the Elite did not have this feature. You needed external adapters to connect the Elite to a wireless connection, and this was a major complaint that people had.
- The Elite had a re-designed power connector which enabled the console to cool down faster. This was a notable improvement, but many people still complained about overheating issues. The new Slim has a redesigned motherboard and electronic structure, so days of overheated Xbox 360 consoles are long gone.
- The Elite had 3 USB ports for external peripherals, whereas the Slim has 5 USB ports for this purpose.
- The Slim has storage space of 250GB whereas the Elite only had 120GB. Though the Elite’s storage space was a major upgrade at the time, it is easily outclassed by the Slim now.
- The Power and the Eject button on the Slim model is now touch sensitive and differently shaped than that on the Elite. Moreover, the button on the Elite was a regular button that you needed to push inside to function.
- The new Kinect platform works with both models, but the difference is that if you are using it with the Elite, you will also need to plug it into an external power outlet. On the other hand, if you plug it into the Slim, you do not need an external power source, since the console itself is capable of powering up the Kinect.
- The Xbox 360 Slim is considerably smaller than the Elite. Almost an inch and a half is the size difference between the two consoles, and even the hard drive is smaller in size.
The newer consoles have lesser technical problems and are more power efficient as well.