Looking up the owner of a fax number was never so easy. Here is some information about services that let you reverse look up any such number for a fixed fee.
Fax machines are still around. In the age of email, they are still useful in many office establishments and businesses. All of these machines are normal telephones, with a fax sending facility. Occasionally, we tend to get stuck up with a number, with no idea about who its owner is. In such a case, the reverse fax number search facility, offered by many sites, is very useful.
First thing to do is to get the fax number. Next, go online and find trusted directories. Some charge a fee for using the search facility. They sell the information to you for a price. Be careful and make sure that the site is a trusted one. There are many phony sites out there, which might just take your money and provide bogus information. Some sites, if they belong to service providers, may offer it for free.
On the site which offers this facility, you will find a text box, where you will have to enter the fax number. Once you enter the numerical data and click on the search button, the site will scan its database and come up with the location of the number for you. For personal information including name, you will have to pay a fee. There are many websites that could be used to locate and find out the owner of any fax number. Here are two that will certainly work for you.
Intelius is an online resource that offers access to a ready-to-use database spanning the entirety of US landline numbers. For a fee ranging from USD 0.99 to USD 4.99, it offers you complete information including name, carrier information, email, information about relatives, and address of the person. They show you the city location for free, but you have to pay for personal information. The site also offers other services like background check, criminal background check, employee screening, email lookup, property records search, and people search. The site also has an iOS and Android app that you can use.
Another online searchable database that will provide you with information, including the owner’s name and access to his public records is Spokeo. For a fee ranging from USD 0.95 to USD 1.95, the service offers the owner’s name, address, location history, and even date of birth. Your purchase of this information is kept confidential. For a package of USD 39.95 to USD 49.95, the service lets you look up 50 numbers.
There are other services like WhitePages, that you may also use for the purpose. If you do not get the owner’s name, even from these sites, you may have to contact the fax service provider company and get it sorted out with them.