This article is your complete guide to resetting the voicemail password on an iPhone. Know how to secure your voicemail inbox, with periodic password changes.
One of the many features of an Apple iPhone is the voicemail facility offered by the network carrier, AT&T. Voicemail is a universally accessible voice messaging service, that answers all your telephone calls, when you are busy. This means that your callers can leave a message for you, which you can listen to, when you are free to take a call. On an iPhone, you have the facility of receiving over 40 messages, with 4 minutes per message.
Resetting the Voicemail Password on an iPhone
If you have never changed or reset the password before, you need to enter the default iPhone voicemail password. Your 10 digit phone number is the default password. There are three ways in which you may reset your password, as explained below.
Reset From Your Voicemail Box
You need to tap the Phone icon and then tap the Keypad icon. Again tap and hold the number 1 key and your iPhone will start calling the voicemail system. You need to enter the current password, when prompted. Then tap the number 1 key for Password Options, followed by choosing Establish or Change Passwords. You need to enter the desired password in the password prompt, and then tap # key. Press End to hang up your call.
Reset from Device
You need to tap on Settings and then tap on Phone. You need to flick to and tap the Change Voicemail Password option. Then enter the current password and tap on Done. Now, you can enter your desired password, when prompted, and then tap Done. You will need to re-enter your new password and tap Done. You will see a confirmation screen.
Reset Through AT&T’s Automated System
You need to dial the numbers 611 or 800-331-0500. Then, enter the wireless number with the area code. You need to tap the number 3 key, to get help with voicemail. Again tap 3 key and reset your password. You will need to enter the billing code for the account. Within a few seconds, your iPhone will display ‘Password Incorrect – Enter Voicemail Password’. You need to enter the last 7 digits of the wireless phone number and tap OK.
If you still have any queries, call the customer care helpline of AT&T for more information.