Are you playing Red Dead Redemption and wish to know where all the treasures are located? Read the following article and find all 9 treasures…
If you’re an ardent fan of PS3 or Xbox 360, chances are, you’ve heard of Red Dead Redemption. This game is not only popular among teens, but also with adults. This is a western action/adventure nonlinear video game which was created by Rockstar San Diego and released by Rockstar Games. The game was released for mainly Xbox 360 games and PlayStation 3 (PS3) game consoles. The game is set in the year 1911, following a former outlaw, John Marston. Its scene is set in the Old West, where John Marston takes off to hunt down all his former gang members. The multiplayer mode can give players to start their quest and explore the West, as they get the chance to embark on a treasure hunt challenge. You don’t have to finish the hunt, but it sure is fun to play it no matter which version it is. So, if you are a fan of the game and wish to complete this challenge, here are the exact Red Dead Redemption treasure locations.
Locations on Red Dead Redemption Treasure
There are a total of 9 different treasures to be found in the entire challenge. After its completion, you will be awarded either 20 points or a bronze trophy. If you have purchased a copy of the game, then you might be wanting to know about the game cheats. Now before we begin, let’s break down the treasures according to location. Treasures 1 and 2 are located in the first part of the map, New Austin (America). Treasures 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 are located in the second part of the map, Nuevo Paraiso (Mexico). As for treasures 8 and 9, they are in Black Water. With these clues in mind, let’s see where all the treasures are located.
Treasure #1: Rhodes’ Gold
Here, you have to find the chest which has the Rhodes’ Gold. It is at Hanging Rock in Cholla Springs, just north of Armadillo. You need to go towards the north side of Hanging Rock till you can see the biggest boulder. Underneath the rocks, at the base of the boulder, you will find the treasure (there’s a gap where you’ll have to walk through and find the treasure). Make sure you are really close to the small pile of rocks in order to dig for the buried treasure. This treasure is worth $150.
Treasure #2: Jackson’s Gold
For the second treasure, you need to go to Del Lobo Rock near Rio Del Lobo, just east of Rio Bravo. When you reach Del Lobo Rock, (this is a tough one to maneuver), you will see a gap at the very top of that cliff. After locating the gap, save your game at this moment. Now go through the gap and move towards the right. Then you will hug the cliff and turn back left. You have to keep doing this till you reach the bubous outcropping. Once you reach there, drop down and follow the path to find the chest on a small ledge. This treasure is worth $188.
Treasure #3: Calhoun’s Gold
To reach to the Calhoun’s Gold, you need to go in the basement of the old mansion, which is in Tumbleweed. For this you have to enter the west side of the mansion from the left and go through the back cellar entrance. Keep going straight till you reach the basement wall. Here the treasure is kept underneath a cow’s skull which is hung on the wall. This treasure is worth $225.
Treasure #4: Tubman’s Gold
The fourth treasure is located just north of Chuparosa, along the banks of Rio del Toro. You need to find the “Tree of Skulls” which is 30 meters inland with animal skulls on them. You will find that the treasure in hidden on the river side, near the second stone wall as you approach. This treasure is worth $263.
Treasure #5: Brown’s Gold
The fifth treasure is located in Crooked Toes. You have to travel to Punta Orgullo, which is east of Escalera. Keep moving forward till you see a small cave. Once you get there, climb all the way to the top of the rock formation and you will find the treasure at the very top of the rock steeple. This treasure is worth $300.
Treasure #6: Douglass’ Gold
The sixth treasure can be found south of Chuparosa, which is near Ojo del Diablo. On the west side, you will find an arch. Go to the left side in order to go over the ledge; that’s where the Douglass’ Gold is located. This treasure is worth $338.
Treasure #7: Garrison’s Gold
To get to the seventh treasure, you have to look for a rock which is shaped like a stool. It is located at the north-east side of Agave Viejo. Now if the first 2 maps are with you, then you will see that the rock is just off the main road, located at the north-west of Casa Madrugada. After you find that rock, travel southwest to find a path which goes above the rock steeple. Once you reach the end of the path, you will find Garrison’s Gold. This treasure is worth $450.
Treasure #8: Pickett’s Gold
To find the eight treasure, you need to reach Beecher’s Hope, Great Plains, which is just east of the ranch. First, you have to find a big tree which has been split by lightening. Keep walking straight, going north of the tree and towards a stone fence. Once you reach the fence, you will see a gap. The treasure is buried at that gap. This treasure is worth $600.
Treasure #9: Stonewall’s Gold
The last treasure is located in a cave just north of a plateau in Nekoti Rock in Tall Trees. To reach there, you need to follow a horse path by going north of Manzanita Post. As you go through the tall trees, along the path, go up the mountains. As you reach at the top of the path, you will find a cave’s opening. Go in and make a right to find small pile of stones. That’s where the treasure is. This treasure is worth $750.
Congratulations! You now have all the treasures in the game. Hope the game cheats for the treasures were simple enough to understand and follow. Now go find the golden treasures and move forward in the game.