Snapchat is an application used by Apple and Android users to share photos. Here are a few unique username ideas for girls and guys, for their Snapchat accounts.
Did You Know?
Due to its inability to fix an API security problem, Snapchat was hacked on December 31, 2013, thus revealing the data of up to 4.6 million users.
Snapchat is an application for Apple and Android devices that allows the users to send photos to each other. The unique feature of this app, however, is that unlike other messaging apps, the photos shared on Snapchat get deleted within 10 seconds. Users, therefore, find it convenient to share their funny and embarrassing pictures with friends.
The application was developed by Eva Spiegel and Bobby Murphy, two students from Stanford University, who believed that users should be able to send their own facial expressions, since emoticons may sometime fall short in conveying their feelings. The application efficiently allows the users to do so. Also, there is the advantage of being assured that one’s picture is surely going to be deleted.
Although the application deletes the pictures in a few seconds, it is always possible to take a screenshot or click a picture using another camera. Hence, one should always be careful when sharing any sensitive information. Nevertheless, it is a fun app that can be used to share funny, bizarre, or embarrassing pictures, without worrying that they will end up being on Facebook or Twitter. To add to the fun, here are a few good Snapchat username ideas.
For the Ladies
- purpledove
- greenbellglitter
- pinkmissy
- prettuduckling
- miss-sparkles
- prettykitty
- happyfeetme
- berrybee
- shymissmuffins
- leggylass
- butterscotchbliss
- charmingchick
- crazycupcake
- divinedimples
- littleflower
- cherrychopkins
- heavenlygoddess
- honeycake
- dudettebuttercup
- jollybrownie
- pink-kisses
- smilesalotlady
- peachpuppydoll
- peppermintpretty
- naughtyangeltoes
- aprilblossom
- snapittysnap
- honeypiehugs
- littleponypink
- cutelittledancer
- missballerina
- ladynightingale
- naughtymuffinhead
- raindrops-on-roses
- prettylittlepearls
- strawberrylips
- shinysmiles
- iam-missmelody
- singmeasong
- adorablelittlefreak
- wonderwoman
- deadlyvixen
- justbeingfabulous
- brokenhearts
- kindlittleangel
- snapsterprincess
- bigbrowneyes
- cutecurlyhair
- ladysnapsa
- glamorousdiva
For the Gentlemen
- iamhunk
- mister-hitch-hiker
- metalheadgod
- lordofkingdoms
- borntoparty
- badasstechie
- laughingbuddha
- iamnomonk
- bluejeans
- covenant
- thealchemist
- gatskopper
- darkwizard
- notasuperman
- hellboy
- thebighulk
- risingjudas
- spikeysniper
- thegreatwarrior
- ysoserious
- bravedarkhorse
- darthvader
- killerboy
- snap-pete
- blackhawk
- midnightcruiser
- mr-big
- ijustgotsnapped
- fastestrunner
- psychokiller
- secretagent
- whitewanderer
- madking
- johnsnow
- thesmartestnerd
- iownhotwheels
- crazybiker
- myadventures
- shinchan
- smartheaddexter
- flirtyarchie
- dude-snapityo
- casanova
- master-snap-pants
- tinymoron
- basketballfreak
- captainhearthrob
- mastermindzeus
- iaminvincible
- impossiblyinsane
You may be very disappointed to know that Snapchat does not allow users to change their usernames once the account has been created. If you have to change it, you will need to delete your account, and create a new one with the desired username.