This article will tell you how to change the background on systems with Mac in it. This is a very simple process and can be completed in no time. Here is more on this.
Background and wallpapers are very popular tools of personalizing your system. The ability to choose any image or design and apply it as the wallpaper is a very useful feature to have. It helps you customize your machine as per your needs. For example, if you are going for a seminar, you may want to have a rather professional desktop background. On the other hand, if you are at home, you may switch to the one you like.
Whether you own a MacBook (Apple laptop) or an iMac (Apple desktop), you have the option to use any image or graphic design of your choice. This is a feature that is not exclusive to Apple, as Windows and other operating systems also allow you to do it.
The Process
Follow these simple instructions in order to change the appearance of your system.
- Locate the file that you want to use as a background.
- Drag this file to the desktop.
- Click on the Apple menu, select Control Panel and go to the Appearance section.
- Your current background will appear in the window, and now you must click on Remove Picture.
- Click on Place Picture.
- Drag the file from the desktop to the picture preview window, and then select Set Desktop Background.
The procedure is as simple as that, and it will not take you more than a minute to undertake this task. With this simple process, you can change the background as many times as you want. Another method is by control-clicking on the current background and selecting Change Desktop Background. This will bring up the appearance window that has been mentioned above.
You can also change the alignment from the same window, and the option you choose depends on the dimensions of the image. You can preview the various options to see which one looks the best. Remember, if you stretch images with small dimensions, they will appear blurred and grainy.
Also keep in mind that the steps mentioned above, work on Mac OS IX. Mac OS X Snow Leopard and newer versions have made it even easier to undertake this task. All you have to do is, drag the image to the desktop, control-click anywhere on the desktop, select Change Desktop Background and then go to the file that you want and click on it. Several unnecessary steps have been eliminated and the process has been further simplified.
In this process, you can use any of the pre-installed wallpapers that are present on the machine, or can use any image that has been imported (JPEG, TIFF, PICT formats), or simply the one which has been downloaded from the Internet.