Intel Pentium dual core and core 2 duo are two of the most common processors in the market at present. But which is the better one for you? Read this Techspirited article to find out…
They sound the same – dual core and core 2 duo – come from the same fabled stable of Intel, and are widely used all over the world. What could possibly account for the difference between the two? While it may not seem so, there are a few points which will lay to rest this debate once and for all.
Dual Core and Core 2 Duo Comparison
How do the two processors rate in the bust-up? Let’s check it out…
Dual Core: The dual core is the older of the two having an architecture that sports two cores on one processor, but its older technology puts it in a position of disadvantage.
Core 2 Duo: The core 2 duo two has two cores on the same processor. However while the architecture sounds vaguely the same, it is more advanced than the dual core processors.
Winner: Core 2 Duo and its new, advanced architecture.
Dual Core: This is without a doubt one of the best Intel processors, however it lacks the bite in terms of performance, when pitted against the much more advanced core 2 duo.
Core 2 Duo: This newer processor beats the dual core in all bench-marking tests and therefore performance-wise, is definitely the better pick.
Winner: Core 2 Duo thanks to its advanced architecture.
Dual Core: Compared to the previous ones, the Pentium dual core is a processor that produces very little heat.
Core 2 Duo: The core 2 duo takes cool performance one step further producing even lesser heat.
Winner: Core 2 Duo.
Power Consumption
Dual Core: Extremely power-efficient processor which has a maximum TDP of an astoundingly low 15 watts.
Core 2 Duo: Power efficient enough, but the 65 watts of maximum TDP are nowhere as low as the dual core.
Winner: Dual core for its efficient use of power.
Clock Speeds
Dual Core: Acceptable enough clock speeds of about 2.33 GHz for the best ones.
Core 2 Duo: Slams the opposition clocking speeds of 3.33 GHz clock as seen of the higher end ones.
Winner: The Core 2 Duo.
Dual Core: Older model processor, so available pretty cheap nowadays.
Core 2 Duo: Comes at a premium which is nearly double the price of the dual core.
Winner: The Dual Core is older, but cheaper.
The final verdict? Well, the Core 2 Duo is a better performer at a higher price. To choose between the two, you need to decide what you want to use your computer for, because ultimately, it is the actual intended use which will help you finalize the processor. A dual core processor is decent enough for routine tasks like MS Office applications and Internet browsing. The Core 2 Duo, on the other hand, shows better functionality when it comes to bigger, more processor-intensive programs and applications.