It could be the very thing that you as an individual, or your company needs, to promote yourself. A well designed, informative website that portrays exactly what you want it to, can make a huge difference in marketing, since almost everyone has access to the Internet these days.
When you create a website, you have to factor in a lot of associated costs under different heads. The good news is, they are extremely flexible and depend mostly on how big a website you want to build.
Building a Website
Building a website is one of the best ways of announcing yourself to the world. Whether your business offers different products or services, your business can get the best, truly global exposure, through the Internet. This is an integral part of telling worldwide consumers what value proposition you intend on providing to the people. So, in today’s competitive product and service markets, building a website is no longer a novelty, but a necessity.
Purchase a Domain Name
What is a domain name? The domain name is basically the name of your website. For example, our domain name is ibuzzle.com. So, first you have to decide on the domain name and then purchase it from a domain seller. Registering a domain name has become quite cheap these days and costs about USD 10 every year.
Web Hosting
Web hosting is the platform which supports your site. Web hosting is basically supposed to be where your site lives. Every site needs to have a host server that runs the site and stores the data on it. There are several web hosts that host your site for varying prices. The price depends on the number of pages and the amount of data. Understandably, a website with a lot more content and a lot more data will have to pay a larger amount towards web hosting. Cost for web hosting like I said is quite variable and is usually USD 30 or more.
Web Designing
Web designing is basically all about the layout of the website and what it looks like. Web designing is an important step as it gives a better look to your site. A professional web designer has an extensive job and does more than just basic HTML coding. You can even choose to do this your own way with the knowledge and expertise that you have, thus curtailing your costs. You can also pick and choose from the various free templates available. A professionally designed site from a good designer, on the other hand, can cost you anywhere from USD 200 for a premium template to USD 10000 or even more depending on the reputation of your web designer.
Site Content
Website content is again a discretionary expense which you can choose to not include in your budget. You have the option though of getting a professional web writer to explain your site and its contents in detail, the cost of which will come to about USD 26 to USD 30 a page. Here again, if you feel you can do a better job with it, you can leave this expense untouched.
In conclusion, you can see that website installation charges can be anywhere from USD 40 to an unspecified upper limit. The only question is how much do you want the cost to be?