Although PS3, as a gaming console, is a hit amongst gamers, most of the time there are some typical problems that are encountered. Nevertheless, you can always deal with these problems on your own.
The Sony PlayStation 3 is one of the highest selling advanced video game consoles in the world today. Many gamers who have tried it, have actually reviewed this gaming device to be amongst the best in the market. However, it has been observed, that every technology has its own quirks and PlayStation 3 is no exception. Speaking of problems, there are a few common ones which keep popping up time and again, and take you away from gaming happily.
No doubt this console is all efficient in providing rich quality visual and audio entertainment to a gamer, but if it keeps showing faulty functions and mechanical errors, it could get really bothersome. Especially, if the user is spending hundred dollars, he/she wouldn’t entertain any lame hardware issue in turn for such a hefty price tag. So, to reduce such an annoyance and quickly resolve the problems, you need not rush to the service station. Trust me, these are common problems and you can fix them at home all by yourself.
- Problems Associated with Cables: If the cables happen to be loose and unwired, there will be a no display error on the screen and nor will there be an audio output. To resolve this problem, ensure that all the cables are tightly secured.
- Problems Associated with Overheating: One of the most obvious reasons of PS3 overheating is lack of ventilation. Sometimes, if the vents of PS3 are covered due to some reason. This overheats the system and problems like automatic shutdowns and red light errors occur. To resolve this problem, turn off the system immediately and let it cool down for a while.
- Menu Freezing: PS3 freezing is the most common, but resolvable problem. If you face a freezing issue, hold the power button for 10 seconds, let it shutdown and restart all over again. It should work properly then.
- Disc Reading Error: The first obvious reason to this problem is an unclean disc. If the disc is dirty, it won’t read and will show you an error. Hence, to avoid this, press the eject button and clean the disc properly. Place the disc back in place and play it again.
- PS3 showing YLOD (Yellow Light of Death): The YLOD problem is one of the most common problem and the reason is extreme level of heat. Due to intense overheating, the console faces consequential impairments and stops to work normally. Also, if there is a red or a green light blinking in the system, that should be considered as another indication of overheating. The only action the user can take to resolve this problem is turn off the system, remove the hard drive and leave it for a good 30 minutes. Later on connect everything back to its place and check again.
With this detailed take on all these problems, let’s take an overview on the list of other issues associated with this gaming console.
The problems stated below are seen to appear quite repetitively in the PS3 gaming consoles worldwide. This is a complete list of PS3 problems stated rank-wise.
Rank #1 – PS3 Yellow Light of Death Error (YLOD).
Rank #2 – Blu-Ray Drive doesn’t read the discs.
Rank #3 – Red blinking light on the PS3 console.
Rank #4 – No display (Red/Black/Blue Screen).
Rank #5 – Menu Freezing and XMB doesn’t load (freezing of movies and games).
Rank #6 – Stuck drive (Game gets stuck inside).
Rank #7 – Internet connection problems.
Rank #8 – PS3 Message/Error Code.
Rank #9 – Problems with Bluetooth controller.
Rank #10 – Won’t power up (black screen and a white strip in the middle of the screen).
Rank #11 – Lights in the console keep flashing.
Rank #12 – Distortion in Video.
Rank #13 – Overheating of the console (fan breaks and doesn’t cool the game system).
Rank #14 – Problems in PS3 due to lose cables.
Rank #15 – PS3 doesn’t read the game disks (corrupted disk errors).
Rank #16 – Problems during downloading other games. (PS3 disc doesn’t load properly after the game is downloaded).
Rank #17 – Problems occur due to incorrect system settings. (the audio and video settings to the television aren’t connected properly).
Rank #18 – The gaming system restarts on its own. (due to voltage fluctuations).
Rank #19 – Forgot to remove the disc from the system. (have to set the motor back to the no disc setting).
Rank #20 – Dirty Discs (corrupted data discs).
I am sure you have a lot of pointers stated here to relate with the problems you are facing with your own console. Now, with a little bit of interest and right knowledge, you can fix the issue at home. Also if you visit the authentic PlayStation website and its relative forums and discussions, you will find a lot of solutions and help to resolve PS3 problems suitably.